December Update

Dear Shrooly Supporters,

As we move forward in the development of Shrooly, we’re thrilled to share the latest milestones achieved in our journey. This is a slightly shorter update because the tooling phase will end at the beginning of January. 

But here is the holiday news from Shrooly! 🎄🎅🏻🕎

Test farm launched

At this time, our test farm contains 42 Shrooly units. These devices are presently involved in ongoing experiments, representing a substantial advancement in our cultivation capabilities.

A significant advancement during this phase pertains to the considerable enhancement of our humidity regulation. Previously, we achieved relative humidity levels in our experimental environment that reached 80%. Nevertheless, by implementing modifications, we have effectively increased this value to a steady 90% and beyond.

We’ve begun cultivation experiments using pods from our American and European manufacturers. We will collaborate with these partners during mass production. Adding to our excitement, we have started testing Lion’s Mane, marking the introduction of a sixth species in our lineup.

🟢 Tooling progress 🟢

We are on track with our tooling process, adhering strictly to our planned timeline. Our manufacturing partner has contributed significantly to this phase, recently sharing a video that offers a glimpse into the tooling process, including parts of the tool and CNC production. This showcases their precision and dedication to our project.

🟢 Timeline and shipping 🟢

We are pleased to report that our timeline remains unchanged, with all processes proceeding as planned. This also applies to our shipping schedule, ensuring we stay on course to deliver Shrooly to you as promised.

Pod manufacturer visits

Our focus on quality and partnerships continues as we anticipate pod samples from our EU and USA manufacturers. Our team has recently visited our European manufacturer in Spain, strengthening our collaboration. Additionally, in January, we will receive 150 new pod samples. From the US, we expect a total of 300 samples from two manufacturers. These samples will be crucial in finalizing our product quality and standard manufacturing processes.

What’s next for Shrooly

Looking ahead, we anticipate having sufficient injection-molded components in China for 40 Shroolys by January 7th. Our engineering team is scheduled to visit the Chinese factory on January 8th and stay until February 10th, just before the Chinese New Year. We will bring back 16 Shroolys with our team for functional testing and expand the test farm further. These units will be without the final surface texture but functionally identical to what we plan for mass production and shipping to our customers. While there’s a chance of assembly issues or fitting errors, the likelihood is low. We aim to assemble workable prototypes from these units and make any final adjustments needed on the injection molding tool. This process might require 2 or 3 iterations to perfect, but it fits within our promised timeline of February 10th. We have already secured long lead-time components (100 days) and are prepared for assembly.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for participating in this exciting journey.

Happy Holidays!

The Shrooly Team


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